Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A quick quiz (15 minutes)

Car engine quiz:  http://www.zoo.com/quiz/car-engine-quiz

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Discussion Threads for January 14-21

There are four prompts for the STM 504 discussions designed to introduce best-practice methods and materials for secondary STEM instruction and assessment.  

Respond to each of the prompts, preferably in 300 words or less.  Then after reviewing others' posts, provide comments where inspired.

Discussion 1. Aligning teaching to national, state and local standards.
Imagine you are mentoring a new teacher in your school (in a subject area of your choice) who might be creating a new unit, lesson, or activity. Provide a succinct strategy for aligning their ideas with national, state, and local student performance expectations. 

Discussion 2. Planning the face-to-face session on January 22-23.
Specifically considering planning and assessment, describe topics from the readings relevant to your teaching or curriculum that you might like to learn more about.

Discussion 3. Reflecting on your own practice.
Describe how your teaching practices, and maybe changes you've made, are aligned with best practices described in your selected readings.

Discussion 4. Evolving perspectives on STEM-focused learning.
(OPTIONAL) Add any other reflections from your selected readings not solicited above, particularly if the readings revealed strategies you'd like to explore in your classroom or curriculum.

Readings for January 14-21

The following readings are available in our Schoology site, where you're encouraged to pick two to read for context for responding to Discussion threads throughout the week.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Test your internal combustion engine knowledge