What Is The Secret To Being Good At Maths?
October 24, 2015 | by Steson Lo and Sally Andrews
photo credit: Why do Asian children perform so well at maths? Creativa Images/Shutterstock |
Asian countries like Singapore and Japan lead the ranks in first and second position on maths performance in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) tables – an international survey that ranks education systems worldwide – while Australia sits around 12th.
What is the secret to being good at maths? Are you simply born clever, or is it the result of a lot of hard work?
To understand the reasons behind exceptional maths performance, I travelled to Japan to see how Japanese children are able to instantly multiply three- or four-digit numbers together in their head.
How Children Are Taught Maths In Japan
From the age of 7 or 8, all Japanese children are taught the times table jingle kuku.
“Ku” is the Japanese word for “nine”, and the title reflects the final line of the jingle, which is